Room (of Region
¶ Defined in
Room is the class that your room instances should inherit from.
Inherited from Region
Property | Description |
name | |
script | Room script, generally set with setScript in the init() method. |
number | |
modNum | |
noun | Noun associated with the room background. |
case | Case associated with the room background. |
timer | |
keep | |
initialized |
Defined in Room:
Property | Description |
picture | The number of the pic resource for the room background. |
style | The dp* animation flags that control room opening animation. |
horizon | y coordinate of room’s horizon. |
controls | |
north | The room to the north (if appropriate) |
east | The room to the east (if appropriate) |
south | The room to the south (if appropriate) |
west | The room to the west (if appropriate) |
curPic | |
picAngle | How far from vertical is the view? 0-89 |
vanishingX | |
vanishingY | |
obstacles | |
inset |
() Override this method to provide the needed initialization for your room. Make sure to call (super:init()).
() Override this method to provide custom logic that is executed every game cycle for your room. Make sure you call (super:doit()).
(pEvent) Override this method to provide custom event handling logic for your room. Make sure you call (super:handleEvent(pEvent)).
(newRoomNumber) This tells the room that we want to switch to a new room. This is the main way to switch rooms.
Example usage:
(gRoom newRoom: 145)
(scriptNumbers) Lets you indicate which regions this room is part of.
Parameters: ScriptNumbers (number) – One or more script numbers for scripts that contain a public Rgn
instance.Example usage:
(method (init) (self setRegions: SNOW_REGION MOUNTAIN_REGION) ; etc, do more room initialization... (super init:) )
(picNumber [picAnimation]) Draws a pic background.
Parameters: - picNumber (number) – The number of the pic resource.
- picAnimation (number) – An optional dp* enum value (e.g. dpOPEN_INSTANTLY).
See the
kernel for more information on animation flags.
(picNumber [picAnimation]) Overlays an additional pic on top of the current background.
Parameters: - picNumber (number) – The number of the pic resource.
- picAnimation (number) – An optional dp* enum value (e.g. dpOPEN_INSTANTLY).
(polygon sendParams) This can be used to add polygon obstacles to the current room.
Example usage:
(gRoom addObstacle: (CreateNewPolygon @P_Flower))
(theActor theEdgeHit) Assigns the actor a new position based on the edge that it left from in the previous room.
(theEdgeHit) Parameters: theEdgeHit (number) – EDGE_TOP, EDGE_LEFT, EDGE_RIGHT or EDGE_BOTTOM. Returns: The room number associated with that edge.
(roomNumber) Parameters: roomNumber (number) – A room number. Returns: The edge associated with that room number (or the room number if no edge associated).
([theInset theCaller theRegister]) Sets an
on this room. To clear the inset, pass no parameters.Parameters: - theInset (heapPtr) – The Inset instance.
- theCaller (heapPtr) – An object that will get cue()’d when the Inset is disposed.
Example usage:
(gRoom setInset: cageCloseUp self)