DrawPic (Kernel)

DrawPic(picNum [animation clear defaultPalette])

Draws a picture on the screen. The last three parameters are optional. If specified, they can define how the picture is displayed. If unspecified, the last used (or default) parameters are used.

  • picNum (number) – The number of the pic resource that should be drawn.
  • animation (number) – A value indicating the type of animation. See below.
  • clear (boolean) – (dpCLEAR or dpNOCLEAR) If dpCLEAR, the screen will be cleared before drawing the picture.
  • defaultPalette (number) – SCI0 only. specifies the default palette to be used for drawing it (0-3). The palettes are contained in the pic files and can be edited with SCI Studio’s picture editor. This is useful for displaying your picture in day/night colours.
Flag Description
dpOPEN_INSTANTLY display instantly
dpOPEN_HCENTER horizontally open from center
dpOPEN_VCENTER vertically open from center
dpOPEN_RIGHT open from right
dpOPEN_LEFT open from left
dpOPEN_BOTTOM open from bottom
dpOPEN_TOP open from top
dpOPEN_EDGECENTER open from edges to center
dpOPEN_CENTEREDGE open from center to edges
dpOPEN_CHECKBOARD open random checkerboard
dpCLOSEREOPEN_HCENTER horizontally close to center, reopen from center
dpCLOSEREOPEN_VCENTER vertically close to center, reopen from center
dpCLOSEREOPEN_RIGHT close to right, reopen from right
dpCLOSEREOPEN_LEFT close to left, reopen from left
dpCLOSEREOPEN_BOTTOM close to bottom, reopen from bottom
dpCLOSEREOPEN_TOP close to top, reopen from top
dpCLOSEREOPEN_EDGECENTER close from center to edges, reopen from edges to center
dpCLOSEREOPEN_CENTEREDGE close from edges to center, reopen from center to edges
dpCLOSEREOPEN_CHECKBOARD close random checkboard, reopen

In SCI1.1, it can be set to one of the following values:

Flag Description
dpOPEN_INSTANTLY display instantly
dpOPEN_HCENTER horizontally open from center
dpOPEN_VCENTER vertically open from center
dpOPEN_RIGHT open from right
dpOPEN_LEFT open from left
dpOPEN_BOTTOM open from bottom
dpOPEN_TOP open from top
dpOPEN_EDGECENTER open from edges to center
dpOPEN_CENTEREDGE open from center to edges
dpOPEN_CHECKBOARD open random checkerboard
dpOPEN_PIXELATION pixelated transition
dpOPEN_FADEPALETTE fade the palette to black
dpOPEN_SCROLL_RIGHT scroll to the right
dpOPEN_SCROLL_LEFT scroll to the left
dpOPEN_SCROLL_UP scroll up
dpOPEN_SCROLL_DOWN scroll down
dpOPEN_NO_TRANSITION straight cut.
dpANIMATION_BLACKOUT add this flag when transitioning between different palettes

Since in SCI1.1, each room might be using a different palette, it can be useful to completely transition off the previous screen before transitioning to the new screen. This is what dpANIMATION_BLACKOUT is used for.
