Importing and exporting resources

In addition to packaging the resources into the large resource volumes, Sierra games could also load individual files into the game. These were known as patch files, since they were usually used to correct bugs in the game post-release.

They are a useful transfer mechanism between games though. You can export a resource from one game as a patch file, and then import it into another. The following table lists what the various patch filenames look like:

Resource type SCI0 patch filename format SCI1+ patch filename format
View view.123 1234.v56
Pic pic.123 1234.p56
Script script.123 1234.scr
Text text.123 1234.tex
Sound sound.123 1234.snd
Vocab vocab.123 1234.voc
Font font.123 1234.fon
Cursor cursor.123 1234.cur
Patch patch.123 1234.pat
Palette - 1234.pal
CD Audio - 1234.cda
Audio - 1234.aud
Sync - 1234.syn
Message - 1234.msg
Map -
Heap - 1234.hep

Exporting and importing resources from different non-SCI file formats (e.g. importing a windows font, a jpg image, MIDI or .wav file) is covered under the documentation for the editors of that particular type. This section is concerned simply with patch files.


You can click on an item in the game explorer and choose File->Export as patch file. Or right-click on it and choose Export as patch file. A file dialog will then appear so you can tell it where to save.

You can also export a resource directly from that resource’s editor using File->Export as patch file.


Importing can be done simply by dragging a patch file into the Game Explorer, by right-clicking on the background and choosing Import patch file, or by using File->Import patch file.

You can also open a patch file directly using File->Open patch file and then save it under some resource number.