PalVary (Kernel)¶
PalVary manages transitions between the current palette and a new palette. It has a number of different subfunctions which will be described separately.
SCI1.1 only.
(pvINIT resourceNumber ticks [stepStop direction])¶ Begins a transition to a new palette. This only needs to be called once.
Parameters: - resourceNumber (number) – The palette resource number.
- ticks (number) – The number of ticks between each step in the transition (60 ticks is one second).
- stepStop (number) – How far along the transition to go, ranging from 0-64, where 64 is the complete transition. The default is 64.
- direction (number) – 1 for forward, -1 for reverse.
(PalVary pvINIT targetPalette 1 64 3)
(pvUNINIT) Stops a palette transition. Before performing other palette effects, an existing transition must be stopped.
(method (doit) (super doit:) (if (== 64 (PalVary pvGET_CURRENT_STEP)) (PalVary pvUNINIT) ; The transition is now done... ) )
(pvREVERSE [ticks stepStop direction]) Reverses an existing palette transition.
Parameters: - ticks (number) – The number of ticks between each step in the transition (60 ticks is one second).
- stepStop (number) – How far along the transition to go, ranging from 1-64, where 64 is the complete transition.
- direction (number) – 1 for forward, -1 for reverse.
(pvGET_CURRENT_STEP) Returns the current step of the transition, ranging between 0 and 64. 64 indicates the transition is complete.
Returns: The current step (between 0 and 64).
(pvCHANGE_TARGET resourceNumber) Changes the target palette of the transition.
Parameters: resourceNumber (number) – The palette resource number.
(pvCHANGE_TICKS ticks) Sets the number of ticks between each step of the palette transition.
Parameters: ticks (number) – The number of ticks between each step in the transition (60 ticks is one second).
(pvPAUSE_RESUME fPause) Pauses or resumes a palette transition.
Parameters: fPause (boolean) – If TRUE, the transition is paused. If FALSE, the transtion is resumed.