Palette (Kernel)

Palette lets you perform palette cycling animations, set the intensity of color ranges, and more. The various subfunctions will be described separately.


SCI1.1 only.

Palette(palSET_INTENSITY startIndex endIndex intensity [setPalette])

Sets the intensity of the range of colors.

  • startIndex (number) – The inclusive starting index.
  • endIndex (number) – The exclusive ending index.
  • intensity (number) – Value from 0 to 100 representing the intensity.
  • setPalette (boolean) – If TRUE, actually changes the palette value.
Palette(palANIMATE startIndex endIndex speed)

“Animates” the palette colors in a particular direction. This allows for palette cycling effects.

  • startIndex (number) – The inclusive starting index.
  • endIndex (number) – The exclusive ending index.
  • speed (number) – A speed (lower numbers are faster) and direction (negative or positive).

A single call to Palette(palANIMATE ...) will only shift the palette by one. It needs to be called repeatedly in a Script’s doit() method to keep cycling the colors.


(method (doit)
        (super doit:)
        (Palette palANIMATE 192 198 -9)
Palette(palSET_FROM_RESOURCE resourceNumber [force])

Sets the current palette from a palette resource.

  • resourceNumber (number) – The palette resource number.
  • force (nunber) – If force is 2, the palette set is forced.


(Palette palSET_FROM_RESOURCE 999 2)
Palette(palSET_FLAG startIndex endIndex flag)
Palette(palUNSET_FLAG startIndex endIndex flag)

Sets or unsets a flag for a palette index.

  • startIndex (number) – The inclusive starting index.
  • endIndex (number) – The exclusive ending index.
  • flag (number) – A flag. 1 indicates this palette color is used. 0 indicates it is not.
Palette(palFIND_COLOR red green blue)

Finds the closest palette index to a particular color.

  • red (number) – The red component (0-255)
  • green (number) – The green component (0-255)
  • blue (number) – The blue component (0-255)

The index of the color most closely matching the given RGB color.


(= gLowlightColor (Palette palFIND_COLOR 159 159 159))

Saves the current palette to be restored later.

Returns:A cookie to use for restoring.
Palette(palRESTORE cookie)

Restores a palette.

Parameters:cookie (number) – A cookie returned from Palette(palSAVE).