NewWindow (Kernel)¶
(x y width height title flags priority forecolor backcolor)¶ Draws a new window on the screen with the specified properties and returns the structure’s address.
Parameters: - x (number) – Left side of the window.
- y (number) – Top of the window.
- width (number) – Width of the window.
- height (number) – Height of the window.
- flags (number) – Flags that specify how the window is to be drawn. See below.
- priority (number) – Specifies if the window should be drawn above or below other windows. The higher the priority, the more visible it will be. With a priority of zero, it may be completely covered by other windows. To make sure your window is visible, you can use nwON_TOP as the priority.
- foreColor (number) – Specifies the foreground color for the window. It is used for text, buttons, etc...
- backColor (number) – Specifies the background color for the window.
Window flags:
Flag Description nwNORMAL The window will be drawn with a border. nwTRANSPARENT The window will not have a border, background color, or titlebar. nwNOFRAME The window will be drawn without a border. nwTRANSPARENT_NOFRAME The window will be drawn without a border and a transparent body. nwTITLE The window will be drawn with a titlebar and border. nwNODRAW The window will not be drawn. Example:
(= oldPort (GetPort)) ; Draw a white window at 50, 20 with a width of 200 100, a title, and a black foreground. (= hWnd NewWindow 50 20 250 120 "Test Window" nwTITLE nwON_TOP clBLACK clWHITE ) (SetPort hWnd) (Display "Hello in the hWnd window!") (SetPort oldPort) (Display "Hello in the oldPort!") (DisposeWindow hWnd)