Selectors are identifiers for properties and methods of classes and instances. Each property and method has a selector index, which points to its name in vocab.997.
Examples of selectors are: x, y, doit, init, dispose, changeState.
// Using the x selector to retrieve a property:
FormatPrint("The x is %d" (send gEgo:x))
// Using the z selector to set a property:
// Calling a method selector:
However, you are also able to retrieve the numerical selector index of a property or method selector. To do this, you can use the # character:
FormatPrint("The init selector index is %d" #init)
One place this is useful is when you want to test if an object supports a particular property or method:
// Test if the object has a cue method before calling that cue method:
(if (send theObject:respondsTo(#cue))
(send theObject:cue())