Object files

In order to link script resources together, object files are used. They do not contain full scripts, but rather, information on the script’s procedures, classes and variables. With them, you are able to call and access other scripts. This uses the same format as SCI Studio.

The object file format


Offset Description
CHAR[3] “SCO” - File Identifier
WORD Compiler Version (Major)
WORD Compiler Version (Minor)
WORD Compiler Version (Build)
BYTE SCI Version (0x00 - SCI0, 0x01 - SCI01, 0x10 - SCI1)
WORD Script Number
WORD Total Publics
WORD Offset to Publics (0 if none)
WORD Total Classes
WORD Offset to Classes (0 if none)
WORD Total Variables
WORD Offset to Variables (0 if none)

Public entries (for each public):

Offset Description
WORD Offset in script file
WORD String length including the null
CHAR* Entry name as null-terminated string

Class Entries (for each class):

Offset Description
WORD String length including the null
CHAR* Entry name as null-terminated string
WORD Total properties
WORD Total methods
WORD Species
WORD Superclass

For Each Property:

Offset Description
WORD Property Name Index (in vocab.997)
WORD Property Value

For each Method:

Offset Description
WORD Method Name Index (in vocab.997)

Local entries (for each local):

Offset Description
WORD String length including the null
CHAR* Entry name as null-terminated string