Properties are member variables of classes and instances. They are 16-bit values declared in the properties block.
Properties are not limited to just integers. They can also be declared with strings, saids, and local variable addresses. In latter cases, the 16-bit address is used.
(instance {Glowing Gem} of InventoryItem
said '~ gem [ AND glowing ] ~'
description "You are still carrying the piece of orium"
view 242
someVarAddr @SomeVar
In Script version 2 of the SCI syntax, constant expressions are also permitted. These are evaluated at compile type, and can consist of arithmetic operators and constant values.
(instance mrDeath of Actor
// fixPriOn and ignAct are both constants. signal will be equal
// to the bitwise OR of fixPriOn and ignAct.
signal (| fixPriOn ignAct)