Arithmetic Operators
Addition +
Adds two values together:
// Result will be 40.
= Result (+ 30 10)
Subtraction -
Subtracts two values from each other:
// Result will be 20
= Result (- 30 10)
Multiplication *
Multiplies two values together:
// Result will be 300
= Result (* 30 10)
Divides one number by another:
// Result will be 3
= Result (/ 30 10)
Note that floating point numbers are not supported in SCI, so this is always an integer division.
Modulus %
Divides two values and returns the remainder:
// Result will be 5
= Result (% 35 10)
Increment ++
Increments a variable or property:
Decrement –
Decrements a variable or property: