SCICompanion allows the include keyword to be used to include header files (file suffix .sh). Header files can contain define keywords, and other include keywords.
An example header file:
; Example Header
(define rsVIEW $80)
(define rsPIC $81)
(define rsSCRIPT $82)
(define rsTEXT $83)
(define rsSOUND $84)
(define rsMEMORY $85)
(define rsVOCAB $86)
(define rsFONT $87)
(define rsCURSOR $88)
(define rsPATCH $89)
Including it:
You can also enclose the filename in quotes if you want:
(include "")
Message files and polygon files¶
In the SCI1.1 template game, message files (*.shm) and polygon files (*.shp) can also be included:
(include 110.shp)
(include 110.shm)
In this case, support for defining local variables in include files was added. This is needed for polygon definitions:
; 110.shp -- Produced by SCI Companion
; This file should only be edited with the SCI Companion polygon editor
[P_Default110 11] = [1 PContainedAccess 4 319 189 319 50 0 50 0 189]
At compile time, a script that includes .sh files that have local variables defined in them will have those local variables added to the script.