Bitwise operators¶
Bitwise operators operate in individual bits. You’ll often see numbers used in these operations defined in hex (beginning with $), as it is easier to see the bit layout with hexadecimal numbers.
Bitwise AND: &¶
Compares two bits and generates a 1 result if both bits are 1, otherwise it returns 0:
; Result will equal $5:
(= Result (& $85 $0F))
; Result will equal $1:
(= Result (& $FF $0F $01))
Often used to set for things like control colors, since onControl() returns a bit mask:
(if (& ctlGREEN (gEgo onControl:))
; Ego is on green.
Bitwise OR: |¶
Compares two bits and generates a 1 result if either or both bits are 1, otherwise it returns 0:
; Result will equal $8F:
(= Result (| $85 $0F))
; Result will equal $07:
(= Result (| $01 $02 $04))
Often used to OR two or more flags together
(theActor signal: (| ignAct fixPriOn))
Bitwise exclusive OR: ^¶
Compares two bits and generates a 1 result if the bits are complementary, otherwise it returns 0:
; Result will equal $8A
(= Result (^ $85 $0F))
Bitwise shift left: <<¶
Bitwise shift left; moves the bits to the left, it discards the far left bit and assigns 0 to the right most bit:
; Result will equal $14
(= Result (<< $85 2))
Bitwise shift right: >>¶
Bitwise shift right; moves the bits to the right, discards the far right bit and if unsigned assigns 0 to the left most bit, otherwise sign extends:
; Result will equal $21
(= Result (>> $85 2))
Binary NOT: ~¶
A binary not. It inverts the bits in an integer:
(= Result (~ $F00F)) ; the result will be $0FF0 (1111000000001111b->0000111111110000b)
(= Result (~ $78)) ; the result will be $FF87 (0000000001111000b->1111111110000111b)
(= Result (~ 0)) ; the result will be $FFFF (0000000000000000->1111111111111111b)
(= Result (~ $183D)) ; the result will be $E7C2 (0001100000111101->1110011111000010b)