Assignment operatorsΒΆ

Use the assignment operators assign values to variables or properties.

The simple assignment operator is =. It assigns the result of code block to variable:

(= variable code block)

The complex assignment operators are +=, -=, *=, /=, mod=, &=, |=, ^=, >>= and <<=. These operators. These operators use the result of explression and apply the variable to it using the specified operator:

(operator variable code block)


(= SomeVar 10)          ; SomeVar is now 10
(+= SomeVar 40)         ; SomeVar is now 50
(/= SomeVar (+ 2 2))    ; SomeVar is now 10 (40 / 4)

The value of an assignment expression is the value of the resulting variable. So these can be used in conditional expressions too:

; Assign the client property of theObj to the temp variable theClient
(if (= theClient (theObj client?))
        ; and if it's not NULL, execute the code inside the if