.. Print .. default - domain::js .. include:: /includes/standard.rst ========================== Print (of :class:`Object`) ========================== .. class:: Print Defined in Print.sc. The Print class lets you show text, buttons and images in a GUI on screen. It is generally used as a static class, in the sense that you call methods on Print directly without making an instance of it. The init: method then displays the dialog. Example usage:: (Print addTitle: "This is the title" font: 0 width: 90 addText: "Enter new font number:" addEdit: @temp0 6 0 24 addButton: 0 "A button!" 0 12 init: ) Properties ========== Inherited from :class:`Object`: ======== =========== Property Description ======== =========== name ======== =========== Defined in Print: ========== =============================================== Property Description ========== =============================================== dialog window title The dialog title. mode Default alignment: alLEFT, alCENTER or alRIGHT. font width x y ticks caller retValue modeless first saveCursor ========== =============================================== Methods ========== .. function:: init([theCaller text]) :noindex: Calls showSelf() to show the dialog. :param heapPtr theCaller: An optional object with a cue method. :param string text: Optional text that is added to the dialog. :returns: If a button was pressed, returns the value of that button. .. function:: doit() :noindex: .. function:: dispose() :noindex: .. function:: showSelf() :noindex: Shows the dialog. Generally, you should use the init() method to show the dialog. .. function:: addButton(theValue noun verb cond seq [x y modNum]) :noindex: .. function:: addButton(theValue text [x y]) :noindex: Adds a button to the dialog, either with the supplied text or a message resource. :param number theValue: A numerical value associated with the button. This value will be returned by the dialog if the button is pressed. :param string text: The button text. :param number x: The button x offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number y: The button y offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number noun: The noun of the message to show. :param number verb: The verb of the message to show. :param number cond: The condition of the message to show. :param number seq: The sequence of the message to show, or 0. :param number modNum: Optional room number of the message to show (if not specified, the current room is used). .. function:: addColorButton(theValue noun verb cond seq [x y modNum normalForeColor highlightForeColor selectedForeColor normalBackColor highlightBackColor selectedBackColor]) :noindex: .. function:: addColorButton(theValue text [x y normalForeColor highlightForeColor selectedForeColor normalBackColor highlightBackColor selectedBackColor]) :noindex: This is similar to addButton, but lets you specify up to 6 color indices for various parts and states of the button. :param number theValue: A numerical value associated with the button. This value will be returned by the dialog if the button is pressed. :param string text: The button text. :param number x: The button x offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number y: The button y offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number noun: The noun of the message to show. :param number verb: The verb of the message to show. :param number cond: The condition of the message to show. :param number seq: The sequence of the message to show, or 0. :param number modNum: Optional room number of the message to show (if not specified, the current room is used). .. function:: addEdit(buffer maxLength [x y initialText]) :noindex: Adds an edit control to the dialog. :param string buffer: The buffer that will receive the text. :param number maxLength: The length of the buffer. :param number x: The edit control x offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number y: The edit control y offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param string initialText: Text to initialize the edit control. .. function:: addIcon(view loop cel [x y]) :noindex: Adds an icon to the dialog. .. function:: addText(noun verb cond seq [x y modNum]) :noindex: .. function:: addText(text [x y]) :noindex: Adds text to the dialog, either with the supplied string or a message resource. :param string text: The text. :param number x: The text x offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number y: The text y offset from the upper left of the dialog. :param number noun: The noun of the message to show. :param number verb: The verb of the message to show. :param number cond: The condition of the message to show. :param number seq: The sequence of the message to show, or 0. :param number modNum: Optional room number of the message to show (if not specified, the current room is used). .. function:: addTextF(params) :noindex: Adds formatted text to the dialog. There are no options for positioning or getting the text from a message resource. .. function:: addTitle(noun verb cond seq [modNum]) :noindex: .. function:: addTitle(text) :noindex: Adds a title to the dialog, either with the supplied string or a message resource. :param string text: The title text. :param number noun: The noun of the message to show. :param number verb: The verb of the message to show. :param number cond: The condition of the message to show. :param number seq: The sequence of the message to show, or 0. :param number modNum: Optional room number of the message to show (if not specified, the current room is used). .. function:: posn(theX theY) :noindex: Positions the dialog on screen. .. function:: handleEvent(pEvent) :noindex: .. function:: cue() :noindex: