.. MoveFwd .. default - domain::js .. include:: /includes/standard.rst ============================== MoveFwd (of :class:`PolyPath`) ============================== .. class:: MoveFwd Defined in MoveFwd.sc. This is a :class:`Motion` class that moves an Actor forward some amount. Example usage:: ; Move the ego forward 50 pixels, and cue the calling script when done. (gEgo setMotion: MoveFwd 50 self) .. blockdiag:: :alt: class diagram :width: 600 diagram { default_fontsize = 16 Motion -> Wander Motion -> DPath Motion -> MoveTo Motion -> Approach Motion -> Orbit Motion -> Follow Motion -> PolyPath Motion -> Track Motion -> Chase Motion -> Jump Jump -> JumpTo PolyPath -> PChase PolyPath -> PFollow PolyPath -> MoveFwd MoveTo -> RegionPath DPath -> RelDPath MoveFwd [color=greenyellow] } Properties ========== Inherited from :class:`PolyPath`: ========= =========== Property Description ========= =========== client caller x y dx dy b-moveCnt b-i1 b-i2 b-di b-xAxis b-incr completed xLast yLast value points finalX finalY obstacles name ========= =========== Methods ========== .. function:: init(theClient distance [theCaller]) :noindex: Initializes the MoveFwd instance. :param heapPtr theClient: The :class:`Actor` to which this is attached. :param number distance: The distance to move forward. :param heapPtr theCaller: Optional object on which cue() will be called when the target is reached.