.. CueObj .. default - domain::js .. include:: /includes/standard.rst =========================== CueObj (of :class:`Script`) =========================== .. class:: CueObj Defined in Feature.sc. This is a static Script object that works in conjunction with :class:`Feature` when making the ego move close to the Feature in response to interacting with the Feature. When the ego is in range, the action is then repeated. Generally, you shouldn't need to bother with this class. Properties ========== Inherited from :class:`Script`: =========== =========== Property Description =========== =========== client state start timer cycles seconds lastSeconds ticks lastTicks register script caller next name =========== =========== Defined in CueObj: ======== =========== Property Description ======== =========== theVerb ======== =========== Methods ========== .. function:: changeState(newState) :noindex: